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Oct 192012

Here are my hands. Calculate the ratio of the length of the rectangle to the height by dividing 12 by 7.5.

Now work with a friend. One of you make the same shape with your hands, the other measures the length and width. Again calculate the ratio. Swop roles and do this again. You now have three ratios. What do you notice?

Here is the beginning of the Fibonacci Sequence. It is made by adding the two previous numbers together.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21.

Work out the next 10 terms of the sequence and write them down.

Now calculate the ratio of each number compared to the number before it, like this. Round your answers to 4 decimal places.

1÷ 1 = 1

2÷ 1= 2

3÷ 2= 1.5

5÷ 3 = 1.6

8÷ 5 =1.6

13÷ 8 = 1.625

You continue for the next 10 terms. (Use a calculator!)

What do you notice?

You have discovered a very special number, called phi. Find out more about phi and the Golden Ratio here.