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Sep 262015

LCMsThe Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) is the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.

For example the LCM of 4 and 6 is 12 because

Multiples of 4 are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20….

Multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24…

12 is the first number in both lists.

Practice finding Lowest Common Multiples with this Sporcle quiz. Challenge your friends to see who can get the best score.


Sep 262015

It’s a new term and I’m getting to know my new students. Many of them have something in common. They don’t know their multiplication tables! Here’s a quiz to help you practice. Keep practicing until you can get them all finished within the 5 minute time limit.


May 062014

Here is a great phone app that will help you with your arithmetic so you don’t need to be afraid when you are faced with that non-calculator exam. It’s called Maths Tricks and shows you lots of short cuts to performing calculations and gives you endless practice to improve your speed and accuracy. Best of all it’s free!

You can find it on Google Play. I am recommending this because it is good, not because I have any connection to the app.




Sep 292013

You need to find the lowest common multiple when finding common denominators to add fractions. Highest common factors are also used in fraction or ratio calculations when you cancel down. This interactive worksheet will show you how to work them out.

Sep 222013

An interactive worksheet to help you get to grips with multiples and factors.