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Jan 142012

Numbers are often rounded to find approximate percentages. For example if 28 out of 119 ESOL students come from Eastern Europe we could round to the nearest ten, giving us 30 out of 120.

30รท120 x 100 = 25% so we can say that 28 out of 119 students is roughly 25%.

Practice approximating percentages with this quiz.

Jan 022012

If you are preparing for the Level 2 Adult Numeracy test one thing you have to practice is speed! You have 40 questions to answer in one hour and a quarter, so you need to be quick! Here is a timed test to see if you can answer questions under pressure!

Remember area is the space inside the shape and perimeter is the distance around it.

Jan 022012

Many students read scales incorrectly because they assume each division on the scale is one unit.For instance they would look at this scale and read it as 69 mph as it is one division before 70. This is wrong! Always work out what each division means first. On this speedometer 5 divisions mean 10mph. So each division is 2mph. It is pointing at 68mph.

Practice reading scales with this exercise.

Dec 302011

Do you think you are ready to start studying Numeracy at Level 1 in either Functional Skills or Adult Numeracy? If so have a go at this self assessment. If you get more than 50% right, then you probably should be in a Level 1 class. This decision will be up to your teacher- this assessment is purely for your own benefit as it would be possible to do it lots of times and learn the answers without learning the maths! If you get a score above 80% you are probably ready to try some practice tests. If you are studying Functional Skills find out which exam board you college uses and visit their website to find some practice tests or past papers. If you score less than 50% don’t despair- try the Entry 3ย  self assessment.

This assessment is set in the context of working on an allotment- but it is suitable for anyone to try.

Dec 302011

Do you think you are ready to start studying Numeracy at Level 2 in either Functional Skills or Adult Numeracy? If so have a go at this self assessment. If you get more than 50% right, then you probably should be in a Level 2 class. This decision will be up to your teacher- this assessment is purely for your own benefit as it would be possible to do it lots of times and learn the answers without learning the maths! If you get a score above 80% you are probably ready to try some practice tests. If you are studying Functional Skills find out which exam board you college uses and visit their website to find some practice tests or past papers. If you score less than 50% don’t despair- try the Level 1 self assessment.

This assessment is set in the context of driving a taxi- but it is suitable for anyone to try.

Dec 302011


I found this mathematical game in my stocking! But you don’t need to go to the shops you play it, you can play on the computer on the archimedes lab site. If you master the maths behind it it is one of those games that you can always win!

It is a game for two people. To play just use 12 matchsticks or counters- recycled bottle tops are ideal! Place them in three lines, one with 3 counters, one with 4 and one with 5. Now take it in turns to take counters away. You can only take from one line, but you can take as many you like from that line. The winner is the player to take the last counter.

To understand how to win this game you need to know a little about the Binary number system