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Nov 082012

Here are some Level 2 Practice Papers. You may need some help getting used to the different tools, especially if you’re not used to using computers. DON’T PANIC! Read the instructions carefully at the beginning and get someone to help you if you are struggling. The navigation test shows you how to use all the different functions, so go through all of this carefully, step by step. Don’t forget to show all your working and justify your answers. If you use the calculator your working out will appear in the box next to it. Unfortunately the paper is not marked at the end, so when you have finished you will either need to print off each page or get your teacher to check your work.

At the beginning you don’t need to enter any details- just click “OK” and “Confirm”

Navigation test

Nov 082012

Try these Level 1 Practice Papers from City and Guilds. First try the navigation test as this shows you how to use all the different functions that you will need. Then try an actual test.  Unfortunately it doesn’t mark it for you, so you will have to ask your teacher if you are getting them correct. You could print each page and get someone to check for you. Don’t forget it is vital to show all your working and justify your answers. Don’t worry about the “signing in” part- just leave everything blank and click “OK” and “confirm”. It is not always straightforward drawing the graphs and tables so it is vital you practice doing this before your actual exam.

Oct 172012

Here is a fascinating site to find out about the Golden Ratio and the human face.

maths and beauty

Don’t miss the flash application where you can fit a mask to some famous faces to see if their facial proportions match the golden ratio.

You will find the Golden Ratio appears not just in the human body, but in architechture, design nature, cosmology, photo composition, art and much more.

Oct 052012

Can you arrange the digits to make a correct sum? Compete to see who can do the most in 2 minutes.

Sep 282012

Practice your tables and compete against your friends to see who can get the best scores.

Math Magician Multiplication

No Description

Sep 282012

Explore number patterns in the times tables with this useful tool from NCTM.

May 212012
This is a great investigation from N-Rich which combines geometry with simple algebra. Your task is to find a rule that will calculate how many lines there are in any mystic rose. To construct a Mystic Rose draw a circle then use your protractor to place equally spaced dots around the circle. You then join each dot to every other dot with a straight line.
Mar 152012

Here is a great website to learn how to make paper planes.

Why not organise a competition to see which type of plane flies the furthest? Collect data on the flight distances and work out the average distance flown. Does it make any difference if you use mean, median or mode? Work out the range in flight distances. What does this tell you? Which sort of plane is the best?

Mar 152012

The Manchester Science Festival  encouraged people to grow sunflowers in order to conduct a massive mathematical experiment. Plant the seeds in April and May, nurture the plants throughout the summer and when the sunflowers are fully grown be counting the number of spirals in the seed patterns in the sunflower heads. Don’t worry – expertise will be on hand to help count the seeds and you’ll be able to post your ‘spiral counts’ online.

The Fibonacci Sequence starts 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34…..

Can you continue it? Can you explain how it works? If you follow the link below you will see how this relates to flowers.

The results of the experiment will be announced during the Manchester Science Festival 2012 (27 Oct – 4 Nov), alongside a host of cultural events connected to Alan Turing’s life and legacy.

More about the Fibonacci Sequence in nature